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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Big Day!

Well, tomorrow is it! My back gets fixed....yay!!! I am trying too hydrate now cuz last night at work we couldn't get a vein to pop up, the last thing I need is someone digging around in my arm. My surgery is at 7:30am and I will stay the night, but home on Friday! I got my toes done today since I won't be able to bend over for weeks to tie my shoes, so it's flip flops and hooker toes for me! Eric likes them bright red! I'll be off work until July, but I won't be limping around anymore...at least after I start to heal and life can get back to normal. The other day Ethan told me he would be glad when I can ride my bike with him again....'bout broke my heart! I know this has been hard on the kids with me not being able to be as active with them as I used to be. Keep me in your prayers for a non-eventful surgery and quick healing.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Glad you are now home and safe. Stay drugged up for a few days and then get ready to scrap...we need some serious girl time! Call me if you need me for anything, or even if you don't!