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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Proud as a peacock

If you didn't know, Makenna plays softball for a travel team. Well, her team wasn't playing this weekend and she was invited to play on another team in a tournament. Not just another team, but an "A" bracket 10U team, she plays "B" 10U. You might not think that there is a lot of difference between the 2 levels however, there is a BIG difference! These girls are older, stronger and their plays are very polished and well planned. She played very well and did exactly what they picked her up for. She played right field in the first game and caught 2 fly balls, one was foul at the fence. She got on base and slid under numerous tags. She did a great job and I am so proud of her I could just pop!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24. Today is Easter, the day in which we, as Christian's celebrate the death, Resurrection and eternal life of our saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. We left our church last fall and this was the first Easter we have not been to a service in over 10 years. I must say I am a bit depressed about it. We haven't found another church, nor have we really been looking. I'm not sure why, except for our busy schedule...but that's just one excuse I can give. I loath nothing more than visiting churches!!!! By nature both Eric and I are shy, both our jobs put us WAY out of our "box", so having to do that on my day off really doesn't make me happy at all. I really would rather just sit at home and listen to a sermon from the church I REALLY want to go to on the web then have to go skipping around from church to church putting on a fake smile and saying, "nice to meet you too". When in reality I will not remember who you are in the next 5 minutes and it probably was really not that nice to "meet you" in the first place. I must sound horrible and awfully bitter don't I?! Can you tell we've been burned once or twice? Alas, we must find another church, if nothing else, it must have a good children's ministry for the kids. They are chomping at the bit to get back into church and I can feel the Lord gently pushing me a little more now in that direction....I've had Him shove me off the proverbial cliff a time or two and I'm so over that! I will certainly heed the warning before the cliff's edge comes in view.

Please pray God leads us to the right church for our family.

Happy Easter!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

3 up, 3 down

Well, the tournament was a bust. They played and lost their 3 games. Makenna played very well but struck out twice. She blamed it on the slow pitcher, instead of waiting on the ball she was way ahead of it and just couldn't do it. She hasn't struck out in a long time! First game she played short and caught. She even caught her first pop-up behind the plate...to which I didn't get a picture of! She hit well, stole bases and got into the most amazing pickle I have ever seen and ended up beating it out at third! It was incredible! They lost 6-3. The second game, how should I say this....I threatened to pull her off the field if she didn't act like she wanted to play. They ended up losing 8-5 to a team they should NOT have lost to. Third and final game she caught the whole game and it was HOT, she did great! Even though she struck out twice, she played defense really well. They lost 4-1. That's it, 3 games, 2 that should have been won and 1 that was played really well both offensively and defensively. I hate 3 game wraps, they always have weired brackets!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Yeah, that's the word for it. I am tired, just down right tired. I got off work yesterday morning and never take anything to help me sleep when I am coming onto my day off. I finally fell asleep around 9:30am and was woken up at 11:00 by the painters banging the heck out of my house fixing bad wood. Once they left for lunch I was able to fall back a sleep for an hour before Ethan called me from school to come get him. I think he had a spider bite on his neck that he was having a little allergic reaction to, a little Benadryl and all is well. It looks much better this morning. Needless to say I didn't go back to sleep after that. I missed Makenna's game last night due to Bunco I had promised I would go to. Needless to say, one thing led to another and I walked in the door at 1:45am and within 20 minutes I was asleep....after laughing my head off at Makenna because she jumped up and went into my hall closet saying Daddy, who was dead asleep, told her to get up and get something out of there! I digress...7:00am I am awake. Ok, I haven't seen 7:00am on purpose, unless it was tournament time, in over 9 months. I am like a vampire now after working night shift, no matter how tired I am, my body is ready to be awake at night and asleep all day. I am awake this early so I can go to sleep early tonight for a 4am wake up call. We have to leave at 6am to get to a tournament tomorrow. I HATE 8am games!!! I have so much to get done today and am procrastinating getting into the shower by sitting here writing more and more on here. It must be done though, I must get up and shower!!

In case you were wondering, yes Makenna's team won their game. Although an ugly win, it was a win none the less and now they are in first place! Hopefully that streak will continue tomorrow during the tournament. I will have a full update soon! Think winning thoughts!

If you are traveling over this Easter holiday, may God keep you safe as you celebrate our Saviours death and Resurrection.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spread too thin?

Physically...I WISH! However that is not what I mean. Have you ever felt like you were spread too thin? Like you had and wanted to do everything in one day but, felt like you didn't give any area enough attention? I felt that way today!! I don't usually do baby or bridal showers but one of my dear friends from nursing school was having a bridal shower today. That's all well and good however, Makenna had practice and so did Christian and all at the same time. Eric was at his Bass club and I had made arrangements for Makenna to spend the night on Sat at a team mates house...she messed that up and I had to drive her out there this morning, get a shower gift, fill my gas tank, make a birthday cake for Eric, drop Ethan back home and then leave for the shower (which I was late for). Luckily Eric took Christian to practice and his coach brought him home. I had to leave the shower early to go watch the last half of Makenna's scrimmage. We got home and picked up Eric and Ethan to celebrate Eric's birthday dinner, not Christian because he decided to take off to a friends house and not tell anyone...oh yeah, he's grown. Came home, got the kids to shower, watched a movie with Eric and had birthday cake. PHEW...now it's midnight and I am so tired but can't go to bed because I have to stay up to prepare for work tomorrow night. Am I crazy or did I spread myself a bit too thin today?

This was my very first blog ever...hope I did it right!