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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spread too thin?

Physically...I WISH! However that is not what I mean. Have you ever felt like you were spread too thin? Like you had and wanted to do everything in one day but, felt like you didn't give any area enough attention? I felt that way today!! I don't usually do baby or bridal showers but one of my dear friends from nursing school was having a bridal shower today. That's all well and good however, Makenna had practice and so did Christian and all at the same time. Eric was at his Bass club and I had made arrangements for Makenna to spend the night on Sat at a team mates house...she messed that up and I had to drive her out there this morning, get a shower gift, fill my gas tank, make a birthday cake for Eric, drop Ethan back home and then leave for the shower (which I was late for). Luckily Eric took Christian to practice and his coach brought him home. I had to leave the shower early to go watch the last half of Makenna's scrimmage. We got home and picked up Eric and Ethan to celebrate Eric's birthday dinner, not Christian because he decided to take off to a friends house and not tell anyone...oh yeah, he's grown. Came home, got the kids to shower, watched a movie with Eric and had birthday cake. PHEW...now it's midnight and I am so tired but can't go to bed because I have to stay up to prepare for work tomorrow night. Am I crazy or did I spread myself a bit too thin today?

This was my very first blog ever...hope I did it right!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Yes, you did it right! Wow, you had a busy day. Happy Birthday to Eric - sorry I missed it! Congrats on the blogging bug, looks good!