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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24. Today is Easter, the day in which we, as Christian's celebrate the death, Resurrection and eternal life of our saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. We left our church last fall and this was the first Easter we have not been to a service in over 10 years. I must say I am a bit depressed about it. We haven't found another church, nor have we really been looking. I'm not sure why, except for our busy schedule...but that's just one excuse I can give. I loath nothing more than visiting churches!!!! By nature both Eric and I are shy, both our jobs put us WAY out of our "box", so having to do that on my day off really doesn't make me happy at all. I really would rather just sit at home and listen to a sermon from the church I REALLY want to go to on the web then have to go skipping around from church to church putting on a fake smile and saying, "nice to meet you too". When in reality I will not remember who you are in the next 5 minutes and it probably was really not that nice to "meet you" in the first place. I must sound horrible and awfully bitter don't I?! Can you tell we've been burned once or twice? Alas, we must find another church, if nothing else, it must have a good children's ministry for the kids. They are chomping at the bit to get back into church and I can feel the Lord gently pushing me a little more now in that direction....I've had Him shove me off the proverbial cliff a time or two and I'm so over that! I will certainly heed the warning before the cliff's edge comes in view.

Please pray God leads us to the right church for our family.

Happy Easter!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

We need to find a church as well, but I am not shy, neither is Matt, but Andrew is right there with you and Eric. Maybe I can take Matt, Christian and Makenna to find a church while you, Eric, Andrew and Ethan "wait in the wings" so you don't have to do the fake smile stuff. Then we'll bring some possibilities and then your family can choose? Oh wait, I hate the fake smiley thing too. Shoot, sounded like a good plan.