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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day....

Is a very bitter-sweet day for me. I have been blessed by God with 6 beautiful children. I believe you have the children you are supposed to have. I have 3 great kids that were given birth by 3 different women who were gracious enough to allow me to become their children's mother. They gave up the opportunity to see and have what I have in Christian, Ethan and Makenna and allowed me to have them. How do you thank someone for that? Can you ever say enough "thank you's"? Then I have 3 beautiful children that God blessed me with all at once, Avery, Grace and Noah. Although they were taken before I was ready for them to go, I was still able to have a lifetime of happiness and love in the few short months I had them in my life. Do I love Mother's Day and the joy being a mother has given me? ABSOLUTELY! Does Mother's Day make me sad at the same time? ABSOLUTELY! I love and miss my kids all at the same time. Not to mention I haven't spent a Mother's Day with my own mother in 18 years, living so far away from my family makes lots of holiday's bitter-sweet in my life.

1 comment:

Lori said...

What a wonderful post! I also believe you have the children you are supposed to have. While I'll never know the heartbeak you experienced with the loss of Avery, Grace and Noah, I will be forever grateful for the mom you have become. You are an inspiration and I am so happy to call you my friend!